Murtabak Maggi

Assalamualaikum & hai..pekabo semua? hehe..dah lama betul tak bukak blog nih..malas sikit. lagipun busy dengan assignment yang berlambak menjerit-jerit mintak buat. ngee~

Okay. tak payah intro panjang-panjang sangat. hihi. kita terus kepada resepi untuk kali ini. resepinya ialah MURTABAK MAGGI !!! ngehehe. korang pernah makan tak murtabak maggi? serius sedap! haha..makan dengan sos cili with mayonis! hurmm..mengancam abih rasa dia wa citer..haha.. so, untuk tak bagi korang stress dengan kesedapan menu kali ni. saya akan terus bagi resepi murtabak maggi ni ! hihiks. watcha!

# (suka-suka hati bagi nama sendiri untuk murtabak ni..HAHA)

   2 bungkus maggi kari
   3/4 biji telur gred A (kalau gred B ke bawah dalam 5/6 biji)
   1 labu bawang besar Holland (yang kulit warna perang2 sikit tu..huhu)
   2 ulas bawang putih
   1 tangkai daun bawang (optional)
   garam secukup rasa
   1 tangaki cili besar atau cili padi(utk yg suka pedas)
   50 gm isi ayam(dipotong dadu-kecil2)
   sedikit minyak masak

  1. Mula-mula hiris dadu/mayang bawang , cili merah, daun bawang dan isi ayam. 
  2. Dalam masa yang sama, rebus mee maggi dalam air panas. jangan sampai kembang.
  3. Angkat dan toskan. 
  4. Tumis bawang sehingga naik bau dan seterusnya masukkan isi ayam. setelah ayam masak, masukkan cili merah, serbuk perencah maggi kari dan garam secukunya.

  5. Pecahkan telur dan pukul hingga separa kembang seperti buat telur dadar. Masukkan sedikit garam  jika ingin masin tapi jangan berlebihan. 
  6. Gaulkan bersama mee maggi dan juga bahan perencah yang telah ditumis tadi.
  7. Masukkan daun bawang dan panaskan kuali. Masukkan sedikit minyak masak. Setelah itu, masukkan semua bahan-bahan tadi ke dalam kuali. Masaklah seperti menggoreng telur dadar. 
  8. DAN SIAP!!! boleh dimakan dengan sos cili dan mayonis. tehee~ 

kredit gambar :

hee. ni lah hasilnya..ngee~

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Assalamualaikum and hey! How are you guys? ngee. harap-harap dalam keadaan sihat walafiat lah ye. Dah lama sangat tak update blog ni. So sorry okey? Lately I've got been busy with assignments and other things. Dush! My day is messy when there is no room for myself to cook and eating! wohaa! really stressful! But, its okay. Now is my day off. So, let me keep up the next recipe for you guys. Hope you enjoy! ngee~ ^_^

When preparing a Pavlova recipe, the most important thing is to have scrupulously clean utensils, free of grease or egg shell. The success of the meringue depends on it. It is also important that the egg whites are at room temperature before beating them. Pavlovas have a habit of deflating and forming cracks when you open the oven. Don't be disheartened, just make some extra whipped cream to fill in the hole if this happens. It will still be a spectacular dessert.

If you use bananas in the topping, toss them in lemon juice to stop them going brown.

View Pavlova step-by-step instructions.

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 55 minutes
4 large egg whites at room temperature
1 cup of Castor sugar, also known as "Berry sugar"
1 tsp of white vinegar
1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract
1/2 cups of whipping cream

Fresh fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, passionfruit, bananas, blueberries
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 275F (140C) and place the rack in middle of the oven. Line a baking tray with foil and draw a 7 inch circle on the foil with the blunt edge of a knife (don't tear the foil). Set aside.

In a clean, medium-sized metal bowl, beat the egg whites with a clean electric mixer on medium speed. Beat until the whites form soft peaks.

Gently sprinkle the sugar into the egg whites, one teaspoon at a time. Don't just lump the sugar in the bowl and never stop beating the eggs until you finish the sugar. Your egg whites should now be glossy stiff peaks.

Sprinkle the cornstarch and vinegar on the meringue and fold in gently with a plastic spatula. Add the vanilla and gently fold the mixture again.

Now gently spread the meringue in the circle on the foil to make a circular base. Make sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher then the center so you have a very slight well in the middle.

Bake the meringue for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until it goes a very pale, pinkish egg shell color.

Turn the oven off and leave the door slightly ajar to let the meringue cool completely. As the meringue cools, it will crack slightly.

Just before serving, take the meringue out of the oven and remove it gently from the foil and place on a plate.

Whip the cream with the vanilla extract until it forms peaks. Prepare the fruit by washing and slicing.

Gently spread the cream to the top of the meringue with a spatula and arrange the fruit on top. 

tadaa! :P

this baking website got many useful info and look awesome! 
next time i want to try those recipes in it. ngee~

okay! see ya! bye and assalamualaikum.

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Kek Pisang

Assalamualaikum dan selamat tengah hari. hehe. sorry sangat dah lama tak update blog. tak sempat and sifat kemalasan dalam diri untuk update resepi sangat lah tebal. haha.

so, hari ni saya nak update resepi yang saya dah buat masa cuti mid sem hari tu. hihi. KEK PISANG.
then, jom kita chekidout the recipe. ngeh ngeh ngeh.

  2 cawan tepung gandum
  1 tsp baking powder
  1 tsp soda bikarbonat
  1 cawan gula
  3 biji pisang (lenyek@kisar)
  1 1/2 cawan minyak masak
  1 tsp esen vanilla
  2 biji telur

  1. Ayak tepung gandum, soda bikarbonat & baking powder. Panaskan oven suhu 180 darjah celcius.
  2. Kemudian, putar telur dan gula hingga kembang, masukkan esen vanilla dan pisang, putar lagi dan
      masukkan tepung.
  3. Masukkan minyak dan kacau sebati. Selepas itu, masukkan dalam acuan kek. Bakar selama 40 minit @
      1 jam. Selamat mencuba.

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